
Mussar Study Group—Character Traits Development

 You are invited to join us as we discover how to become better people! We put together a committed, interested, cooperative group in the fall and hope to launch 2 groups this Spring. If you know of someone you think would be suitable, please let me know. We are looking for dedicated people who will take the program seriously and try real hard to come to most or even all of the sessions.

What is it?   Mussar is the Jewish wisdom dealing with character development. We are looking for a relevant religion – a Judaism which can help us in our daily lives and help us contribute meaningfully to our community.

We want to rediscover the values that we associate with our Jewish heritage and apply them to our daily lives.  Often, however, we have neither the education nor the orientation to be able to distill those values from Jewish practice or to determine how to integrate them into our personal lives.

While we want to know how to live well and how to infuse our lives with goodness, we are often unaware of how to make that thought a reality. This study group will help participants approach spiritual teachings that can encourage us to cultivate positive personal growth.

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